Paperclips, pest control and root canals

It’s amazing to me the amount of sophisticated equipment we now have in the pest control industry. We use moisture meters, foam machines, injection tips for any angle or application and the list goes on and on. Even some of the ‘simple’ things that make any professional so much more efficient that for years we never had. 25 years ago I received the first System III in our region but oddly enough it came with no belt. I’d get weird looks from passers by as I unbuckled my pants belt as if I was undressing in the parking lot just so I could strap it to my hip through the closed loop. Dusters were carried by clutching the metal injection tube and B&G handle with the same hand, flashlights protruded out of our back pockets while rat bait was jammed in our fronts. In those times an exterminator needed to be a MacGuyver of sorts and using home made gadgets or an old pizza box with a gallon bucket of glue for glue boards was not uncommon.

I guess some of this innovation still lives on today because I constantly see exterminators walking into an account with just a B&G and maybe a mini mag light strapped to their belt right next to their touch screen smart phone. They go into the home and come out a few short minutes later and begin to treat the exterior with the same hand held sprayer as they whisk around the windows and flip a small stream up around the soffit’s and with there heads bent over to pin their phone against their shoulders they quickly make their way around. Back in the truck with the fancy designer wrap and it’s off to another account.
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Ode to the earwig and the WEB of lies

The misunderstood, feared and despised
six legged creature whose endured vicious lies

the garden is full of her furious wrath
she devours it all and all in her path
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Pest Control Is A Complaint Business

Pest control is a complaint business and don’t let anybody fool you. It could be your mother as a client, best friend, pastor it doesn’t matter because any bug they see or problem they have that they perceive to fall into your realm they will complain to you about it. Now some are better at it than others and it may hardly seem like anything more than a simple request while others can ruin your entire day as they berate you for the dead earwig they found on their dining room floor. In fact if you think about it the entire business relationship you have with that person is based on a complaint. They either were tired of seeing the bugs and called you or perhaps they weren’t happy with a previous company and now have you out, either way it all started with a negative and that at times can mean a long uphill climb.

There Are 3 Types Of Complainers;
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Pest control in pocket doors

Does anybody treat pocket doors in a standard pest control service? Are you passing up this huge void as you stalk spider infestations or scratching your head as you search the master bath for that American roach that just disappeared? The pocket door is a built in safe house that even a rat could love but I’m not sure many technicians really stop to investigate this ready made fortress let alone know how to treat it effectively without causing a mess.

While most voids are found under the sink where plumbing lines enter the walls or by removing wall switch plates, the pocket door void is HUGE and right there for easy access. For most wall voids we happily apply our dusts and it fills the void and will sit undisturbed and cause no trouble what so ever. If we dust in the pocket door however our dust is never settled and gets whipped up and some of it escapes every time we open or close the door, not good. Now I like most experienced bug guys have an excellent aim with my sprayer so a shot up one side and down the other might sound like a good idea but in reality you can only get just so much of the surface area with your spray and if any beads up on the door it can leave unsightly stains or streaking. That is of course unless you know how to do it right.
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5 pest control products that never made the shelves

Pest control has had a ton of great ideas and inventions that have made all our lives so much simpler and pest free but I bet you’d be surprised to hear of some the great ideas that never made it to the market place. Now if you decide to take some of these ideas and run with them, do so at your own peril. Tens of dollars and a couple hours of research went into these products but for some strange reason they just never appealed to the public.
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What celebrities house would you like to treat for pest control?

Have you ever been called out to a famous persons home to treat for pest control? What a thrill it would be knowing your heading out on a call to treat some ants at a famous persons home. Once inside you might find yourself looking around to see how this person lived and marvel at all the photographs of this celebrity with other famous people. You might even sneak a picture with your camera phone and in your mind you’re dreaming up a hundred different ways you could nonchalantly ask for their autograph or God forbid-get a picture- But no, you resolve to be professional and treat that place from top to bottom and kill every moving thing that has 6 legs or more. After all you put on your best pair of Dickies service pants and even broke out that new cap, you know the one without all the spider web silk all entangled on it.
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Old timer shooting straight in pest control

This tech tip comes via e-mail from oldtimer and has to do with cleaning out clogged B&G spray tips without damaging the brass.

Have you ever been spraying along and all of the sudden out of the blue your nice straight pin stream becomes two jets going in two forked directions? Or just as quickly a fine mist is spurting but drops of liquid collect at the tip and begin dripping all over the place? It happens a lot and every tech will experience many times if he hangs around long enough.
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The ootheca aka roach egg

Have you ever seen what you thought was a really weird roach that had something sticking out the back of it that looked like a small briefcase? Well what you most likely saw was what an entomologist would call an ootheca but round here we just call it an egg. How strange that the roach actually carries that thing around. Actually she doesn’t so much carry it as it is still attached and the precious cargo inside can still get nutrients and critical moisture from the mother. This attachment also allows for the ultimate protection rather than just leaving it somewhere that a hungry bird or insect predator could get it. True some roaches do drop their eggs or ‘cement’ them to a wall or other surface and still others have no egg at all. The babies develop inside the uterus and feed off the yolk and other junk inside the mom.Yummy.
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2010 the year of the pest

In the southeast we have had a record low temperatures in what seems like the longest winter I can remember. I think old Punxsutawney Phil better be careful because he didn’t make a whole lot of friends this year. Still it seems that springtime is finally on the way and with it hundreds of trillions of insects will soon be draining the antifreeze from their bodies and stretching out all those stiff joints that haven’t moved all winter. Ladybugs will begin to stir and wonder how they ended up on your window sill and earwigs will begin to dig themselves out of their soil encapsulation ready to begin anew. Spiders spin new webs in hopes of catching the hordes of fresh flies that will multiply by the minute and the termite can freely explore the soil not hindered by the frost line that slowed down his progress these last 5 months. The annual invasion of mother earth and our homes will soon be in full swing and with the also record snow and rain this year it just may be a bumper crop.
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Can a roach live through a nuclear explosion?

I didn’t think anyone had such as warped mind as mine but here is the proof. In fact I think even warpier! (new word alert) While I only think of strange things and possibilities these nuts actually put them to the test. Oh what I wouldn’t do for a nice little lab and an unlimited budget?

Have you ever wondered what would happen to a roach that was exposed to radiation or a nuclear bomb? Well, wonder no more because this video contains the answer. Actually at the end there is quite the surprise of which bug really would survive the best should the big one drop. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the roach!
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Pest control in commercial kitchen equipment

Pest control in a commercial kitchen is not for the baseboard jockey’s of the world. I was reminded of this by a recent comment on Facebook to my video, Chalk Talk Treating the Commercial Kitchen; ‘Getting into the equipment.’ It reminded me that at one time that is exactly how I did pest control even in commercial accounts. It was how I was taught and I’ll venture to say it is how many technicians are still advised to apply control barriers in this type of account even today.

Now I’m not here to disparage you if you use a B&G as a primary tool. It is still king of the application equipment world and I use one every single day. In a kitchen however there is just no way that this or any ONE tool can be your primary weapon especially when dealing with german roaches. The same can be said for the where to treat in a commercial kitchen. To often we service our kitchen accounts around the edges, under the shelves, stocks rooms and the office and call it complete. In reality we haven’t even done a fraction of the service needed when we approach it this way. What we have passed up and left untreated is a whole other world that roaches thrive in, breed in optimum conditions and live almost completely protected lives in. What have we left?
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A bug mans typical day

Today was a typical day for me as a bug man, it started out as they all do with an early morning stop. I drove 38 miles to take care of some imaginary spiders and I had a great debate in my head whether or not to show the lady the small spider I found in her doggies pet bowl. In the end I decided not to because I didn’t want to wreck her already fragile confidence in my treatment while at the same time adding fuel to her already burning arachnid phobia. From there it was another 15 miles to inspect a bank repo in the middle of the National Forest for termites and besides the wood rot from the leaky roof I stopped to marvel at a huge tree that was only being held from crashing into the home by a wire. I sometimes wonder how people live and maybe this blog thing I do has a never ending source of subjects because each day comes with a lot of problem solving but probably twice as many unanswered questions.
(click on pictures to enlarge and see a portion of my typical day)
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Do pest control as I say not as I do

Raise your hand if you ever smacked the top of your TV to try and get the picture to come in clearer. C’mon, you in the back, get your hand up! I have to admit I’ve done it too and the crazy thing is that it has worked a time or two but after awhile when the whack on the Sony just doesn’t cut it you have to call in a professional. Now, what would you do if the man showed up and came inside with his big shiny tool box, stood by the set and just smacked it a good one? You’d say he’s crazy right?-Shoot you could have done that and in fact that’s what you’ve been doing all along and you would hope that a pro would come in and do something different to get the results you wanted. Now how bout pest control? Have you been spraying or should I say nuking the place and you’re now ready for a professional treatment? Well don’t be surprised if the person comes in and does their treatment differently then what you have done.
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Chalk talk episode #4 Treating the dishwashing area

Probably the most difficult place to do pest control in a commercial kitchen is the dishwashing area. The amount of constant moisture alone makes me wonder how it can be effective at all. It’s not unusual to have faucets drip all night long filling the sinks that are clogged with debris and then the water cascades down onto the floor. This life giving flow makes it’s way to the drains across the tiled floor so with no flooding or damage, plumbing issues are not a top priority. Also a common practice for this area is a complete nightly ‘hosing’ to wash everything away and out of sight, this includes any pest control you’ve done. Even if the drips were fixed and the hoses stopped, the H20 is in no short abundance and it makes life sweet and easy for roaches.
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