It’s amazing to me the amount of sophisticated equipment we now have in the pest control industry. We use moisture meters, foam machines, injection tips for any angle or application and the list goes on and on. Even some of the ‘simple’ things that make any professional so much more efficient that for years we never had. 25 years ago I received the first System III in our region but oddly enough it came with no belt. I’d get weird looks from passers by as I unbuckled my pants belt as if I was undressing in the parking lot just so I could strap it to my hip through the closed loop. Dusters were carried by clutching the metal injection tube and B&G handle with the same hand, flashlights protruded out of our back pockets while rat bait was jammed in our fronts. In those times an exterminator needed to be a MacGuyver of sorts and using home made gadgets or an old pizza box with a gallon bucket of glue for glue boards was not uncommon.
I guess some of this innovation still lives on today because I constantly see exterminators walking into an account with just a B&G and maybe a mini mag light strapped to their belt right next to their touch screen smart phone. They go into the home and come out a few short minutes later and begin to treat the exterior with the same hand held sprayer as they whisk around the windows and flip a small stream up around the soffit’s and with there heads bent over to pin their phone against their shoulders they quickly make their way around. Back in the truck with the fancy designer wrap and it’s off to another account.
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