The American Roach

American Cockroaches are sometimes known as Water Bug or Palmetto Roaches. This largest of the common household roach did not originate in America but came in shipped cargo from Africa in the early 1600’s. While it is possible to have large numbers occur inside a home most infestations are not nearly as heavy. Preferring warmer temperatures and feeding on decaying organic matter this roach is best suited for outdoor living. Not tolerant of cold weather this roach will move indoors but will not thrive without high humidity or moisture.
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Cavemen, Entomologist And Silverfish- It’s All In The Family

Recently I was in full study mode for my Associate Certified Entomologist test which goes beyond just knowing the habitat of a roach or the techniques in yellow jacket extermination. To be an A.C.E. means you were required to know the biological classifications of insects. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species-WHEW- that was a task in and of itself and this was only a small part of the testing. Now since I’m not real high on the ol IQ meter I needed all the help I could get and fortunately for me at least one description of the silverfish was kind of easy to remember. Silverfish are in the order of thysanura but I remembered it as thysanura– sorus-rex. You see silverfish are one of the earliest known insects pre dating even dinosaurs and although they were a little smaller and had simpler features such as eyes, they really haven’t changed much over the millions of years. So while ‘Rocko’ the caveman had to deal with tyrannosaurus rex from time to time, it’s also a fair bet that Mrs.Rocko was on him just as hard to perform pest control in the cave for the other thysanura running around.
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Quick Tips On Exterior Pest Control- Keeping Bugs Out

Keeping bugs out of your home has been and still is one of the most effective pest control strategies ever used. The old saying “shutting the barn door after the horse is out” comes to mind and aptly describes home owners often futile efforts.

A pro knows where to look and how to treat. Check out this quick video on a few of the most common places and what to do to enhance your exterior pest control efforts. I just love what these pros had to say about the subject.
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Product Review – Boric Acid In A Can

I love dusts for pest control. Great residuals, versatile and they are labeled for a long list of pests. DE (diamataceous earth, Delta Dust, Drione, and Borid are a few of my favorites in the powder form. You’ll notice Borax isn’t on that list, I’ll use that when they put bugs on the label along with your laundry-but I digress.
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Don’t Try Pest Control At Home

We’ve all seen the car commercials where the vehicle is speeding over rough terrain or weaving in and out of traffic. I guess we subliminally get a message that tells us, “We could drive that way. We should buy that car.” Well of course in the middle of our fantasy the screen has a tiny phrase that flashes across the bottom of the screen that if we catch it fast enough, brings us back down to reality.
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Do Earwigs Go In Your Ear?

Well the answer to this is age old question is a complete and resounding YES. Earwigs have been documented to go in peoples ear cavities and cause big problems. Now, let me ask you this; Do people win the lottery? The answer is of course also YES and in fact it happens everyday. That said, I personally don’t know of any and in my life I’ve played the government sanctioned gambling game many times and it’s never amounted to anything except my wallet being lighter. How about this. Do birds accidentally fly into buildings? The answer to this is also YES but is it a regular everyday thing? How many times have you actually seen this happen? Would you be surprised to know that this occurs millions of times per year? That’s a lot of dead birds and I doubt you thought the numbers would even come close to that. With that many birds dying one would think this was an epidemic yet it doesn’t get near the traction that the earwig story gets. It’s a big world and this daily carnage of birds hardly puts a dent in the population and since it really doesn’t affect you it’s probably only a sad thought and then forgotten if you see one on the sidewalk. Earwigs on the other hand, only need one unfortunate person to plague and the world hears about three times over before you know it.
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Heavy Hitters In Pest Control-Small Companies Swinging For The Fences

In baseball all you need is to hit the ball 3 out of 10 times and you get a pro contract. If some of those hits are homers you are a star. Of course human nature being what it is one can’t help but notice that with your small successes are included more than double the failures. Selling pest control really isn’t far off from the baseball analogy in that you will get a whole lot of NO’s compared to the few hits that get you on base. Hit one home run however and you’re a hero.
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Africanized Bees aka Killer Bees

Africanized Bees aka killer bees were developed by interbreeding European bees and bees from southern Africa by a biologists named Warwick E. Kerr. They were accidentally released in 1957 and from Brazil they have spread throughout South, Central and deep into North America advancing their range by some two hundred miles per year. Although the venom of Africanized bees is no more toxic than your common honey bee it is the overwhelming response and numbers of stinging bees that makes them so dangerous. Killer bees can be easier to disturb than their counter parts and will stay agitated for up to 24 hours. Foot traffic to close to the hive, loud noises from passing vehicles or lawn mowers are often more than enough to trigger an attack.

What’s Your Tolerance?

It is generally thought that the average adult can sustain up to 500 stings but serious medical conditions will occur thereafter including death. A person under attack should cover their head and run for cover. Please note, these bees often follow victims quite a distance so getting under cover or indoors quickly is crucial. Once safe from further attack the stingers need to be removed to stop more venom from being pumped into their bodies. Scraping the stinger out with a credit card or a dull knife prevents pressure on the venom sac which ‘squeezes’ more toxins into the body.

How do Killer Bees Spread?

This bee spreads by swarming and may travel great distances from the original hive. A new queen bee that has been specially reared leaves the nest and takes with her about 1/2 of the colony. This process is also known as budding and it is the same way which the European honey bee forms new colonies however the killer bee swarms more often. The new queen may lead her colony many miles away or set up in a suitable location much closer. Factors such as population density, abundance of food and water or natural disasters may effect the distance and direction. Since their accidental release this bee has established itself in the south western States to California and as far north as southern Utah. Florida is also an established area for the bee and colonies have been found in Georgia, Louisiana and Arkansas as well.

What Do They Look Like?

The Africanized bee looks almost exactly like the common honey bee and distinctions are only really evident under laboratory settings or from those with extensive training. The killer bees aggressive behavior is unfortunately the tell tale way in which this bee is most often identified.

Treatment and Elimination

Due to the dangers associated with this aggressive bee, I do not recommend any treatment except to call in a professional bee keeper or exterminator if you suspect or find a colony. It’s just not worth the risk!

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White Footed Ants

The White Footed Ant is so named because although mostly dark in color, it’s tarsi or feet are cream or whitish in appearance. Often confused with the ghost and odorous house ant the white footed ant is known to be in Florida, Hawaii and San Francisco but expected to soon be found in other places because of how they are transported in shipped landscaping and garden items. Accidentally introduced from Asia this once thought of nuisance is now becoming a major pest.
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Pest Control Terminology

I think every industry has its own little subset of language and pest control is no different. Nurses say ‘Q’ to substitute the word ‘every’, salesman give ‘pitches’ and truckers are ‘dead heading’ when they don’t have a load but are still on the move. It’s usually not real difficult to figure out what people are saying but it’s almost always something you wouldn’t say in an average day. Still some of it’s unique and customers or those not in the ‘know’ might raise an eyebrow if they overhear two techs in a conversation thinking you’re planning something nefarious in their home.
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CYA Your Termite Real Estate Inspection 6 & 7

The termite inspection: It’s given away for free from canvassing salesman just looking for a reason to get in the door. It’s part of the annual renewal process to extend the termite treatments guarantee. It’s comfort to the worried homeowner when a pest tech takes an ‘extra peek’ while performing his routine service and it is quite possibly the anchor for any successful termite company. But in these scenarios it’s hardly more than a cursory look that provides comfort for the homeowner and a chance for commission for the savvy inspector.
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When Phobias Collide- The Professor & Me

What do you get when you cross a fear of chemicals, a 130 IQ and a lady who practically screams bloody murder at the mere sight of a cockroach? Well besides the makings of a great story I can share with my readers it is perhaps one of the best examples of reason over hype I’ve ever had in my many years of pest control. It also gives me hope that the news of traditional pest controls demise has been greatly exaggerated. By the way, this is my 500th article and I wanted to THANK ALL OF YOU for reading my blog and all the many supportive and nice gestures I’ve received over this time in my life. So for my 500th, I thought what better thing to share than a story which seems to be what everybody enjoys.
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CYA Real Estate Termite Inspections Series 4&5

It never ceases to amaze me to hear of companies that charge so little for WDO/WDIR inspections. Hey I even worked for a firm that gave them away FOR FREE. Now I understand about sales strategies using WDO inspections as leads but I couldn’t disagree with this approach more. Leads cost money no doubt but with all the entrapments that even a normal routine inspection can bring, a FREE WDO can end up costing you a ton of money. There is so much to concentrate on with WDIR inspections that truthfully in my mind, a sale should be the last thing for you to be thinking about.
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The Domino’s Effect In Pest Control

Just a question and I’m not really sure if this is a big deal or will resonate with anybody or as usual this is just a figment of my vivid imagination.

Have you seen the TV commercials of the famous Dominos Pizza company where they are attempting to reinvent themselves, reconnect with their customers and actually get back to the good quality food all at the same time? Now to me, this is very effective and if I were upset with them in the first place (which I never was-I don’t eat pizza much) I would be inclined to give them another try. In fact, I may just make a special trip by a store just to check it out to see what all the hub bub is about-I guess it’s working already. So this of course got me to think about pest control and specifically pest control business.
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CYA Your Real Estate Termite Inspections part 2&3

Continuing our CYA series for WDO/WDIR inspections, here are two more areas that need to be scrutinized. Make sure to check out the whole series of videos which I tried to keep short but I definitely wanted to hit the main culprits of inspection troubles for our termite inspectors. CYA #1, CYA #4 & 5, CYA #6 & 7.
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