I’m not sure I’d be a good service manager just running behind pest control technicians and grading their work. Big companies like numbers so they may not like my approach. I wouldn’t be an unfair evaluator mind you. I realize that even though pest control is a science, it’s not an exact one. I’m aware that pests fool even the best of us and customers who have every reason to be ecstatic about your service so often are not. That when things that should add up, so often don’t, and this really is – just the nature of pest control.
If, and I say IF I were to sit in judgement of any technician across this great land. There’d only be one aspect I could honestly assess. Only one thing that truly matters and one thing that if done to the best of your ability, would make up for lack of technique, gaps in knowledge, provide for THE SAFEST applications and reduce most if not all complaints. To truly understand this, lets look at this from a different view.
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