The Two Forbidden Subjects Of Pest Control

It’s said that in business, there are two subjects that you should NEVER bring up. Politics and religion. Whoever said this was either a very wise person or someone who found themselves with one less client whenever they opened up this can of worms. My guess is the latter.

Now I’m always accused of being a talker, my secretary often asks if she should figure in “the Jerry talking factor” when she schedules my day. I can talk to anybody about almost anything when I’m servicing a home and for the most part, it’s pleasant, welcomed and interesting. Still, there is these two hanging curve ball topics that can and do come up often & I find myself in a situation where the ice can get pretty thin. QUICKLY!
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The Ghost of Pest Control Owners Passed- Part 3

As you are now standing alone, the dense fog thickens so that nothing is visible except the heavy droplets suspended in the air that surrounds you. Your mind is just as cloudy as you try to make sense of this strange and surreal odyssey. Should you feel sorry for these owners who should be on top of the world but had such monumental problems? Is this what you want to aspire to? Could you avoid these trappings or do they happen to everyone?

The air is uncomfortably hot and feels like steam against your skin as it mixes with the thick mist. In the distance a church bell tolls and at that moment a dark shadowy figure comes into view. With no apparent motion the visage comes closer but never into focus. You realize this is your third ghost and for a long time it stands as you do, motionless. Unlike your first and second ghost, this presence speaks not a word yet you sense that this spirit knows your very thoughts, fears and shortcomings even better than you do. As if conversing with yourself you seem to know the answers to your many questions before you can even complete the thought. The answers are all the same no matter how you phrase the questions and you in no way want to accept the end result. This one way exchange escalates to a fury but with no outward emotion from your ghost, you cease in frustration.

The church bell rings for the 12th time….
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The Ghost Of Pest Control Owners Passed-Part 2

Standing alone in the CEO’s reserved parking space you suddenly feel like a trespasser on this massive compound even though mere moments ago you were in the belly of the beast and witnessed it’s heartbeat, something very few get to see. The man in the white shirt and tie now notices and walks toward you while checking his clipboard as if to see if you were a forgotten tech without a truck. You take quick steps towards the street and you can hear the service mgr. calling out for you to hold up. With no ghost to guide you, you’re now stuck between the busy street of fast moving cars and the now insistent supervisor closing in. With nowhere to go your mind searches for a way to explain why you were so deep in the mega pest controls compound. Just then, you hear honking from a 7-11 parking lot across the street and you see a woman waving for you to come over. Just then you feel a tap on your shoulder and you spin around resolved to beg for mercy when your eyes are met by a strikingly pretty blonde pest control technician.
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The Ghost Of Pest Control Owners Passed- Part 1

A classic book “A Christmas Carol”, written by Charles Dickens has always been a favorite of mine. (I was Jacob Marley in our 6th grade play) Most people are familiar with it. Most memorable were the scenes of the 3 ghosts who came to Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas eve. It was their job to try and to change his ways from a mean, greedy and angry man or at least show him the consequences if he kept it up. He wanted none of it at first but as each ghost took him on his journey, he was confronted with some rather sobering truths. In the end, his greed melted away and he was a changed man forever.

Well, I am going to take you, on a very similar journey. And it doesn’t matter who you are- a tech, customer, owner of a large firm, small mom & pop or someone who is just starting out in a brand new pest control company. For me as a tech, I always saw the owner as something different, something special and someone who is now untouchable at the top. This person has no problems and was just flowing with money and power. I admit, it was (and still is) an enviable place to be. Still, some see the owner as something they would never want to be. Perhaps because the owners they were exposed to were mean, ruthless and hard hearted. Or perhaps the challenge may looked to be too great or maybe, they are most happy just right where they are. No matter where your position is on this-we all have our views.

So, regardless of your opinion, I am going to introduce you to 3 pest control ghosts and you too will be confronted with some truths that perhaps may make you think differently about the pest control owner or at least give you a different perspective…. It’s not Christmas eve but the midnight hour is close and your journey will soon begin…oh & our ghosts don’t fly. It is 2012 you know–you’ll be riding in a beautiful full sized termite truck with all the latest gadgets. Here comes your first ghost now.
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*ERP* Early Recognition Of Pest Problems – A Proven Strategy That May Save Your Account

Have you ever had a job that you’ve just thrown everything at but you still couldn’t solve the problem? You know the ones- you’re out for the 6th time and the home owner is looking to you for an answer and you haven’t got a clue. You shuffle your feet and stammer for some words, meanwhile the ants/roaches/beetles/ticks/fleas or whatever it is just keeps on marching. Sure, you put a dent in the problem here and there with some herculean efforts but two days later another call comes in and the pest seems completely oblivious to all your work or moved on to another spot in the house. Wouldn’t it be better if you could have solved this vicious circle 6 weeks ago?

That’s why I’m proud to present to you ERP. The Early Recognition Of Pest Problems system and it’s yours absolutely free. AND! As an added bonus, if you read this article, you’ll have unlimited access to my website That’s right, this and all my information will be just one click away anytime you need it–Wait there’s more! For you early birds out there you’ll receive my new book ‘Tales Of The Route’ for the low low price of just $14.97. Still not convinced? We’ll also throw in the authors autograph and a personalized message just for you…What a deal! So, click the read more button below and get your FREE ERP system and follow this link to order your personalized copy of this hot selling, all true and semi coherent book of pest control stories.
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The Dusting Cap Dilemma In Pest Control

I love it when I see pest techs dusting for pest control. I love it even more when I see a professional tech who’s doing the dusting. Dusting has so many positive aspects; Long term residuals, huge voids can be covered with a light puff, homeowners and non target beings are in no danger of exposure AND most importantly, it’s what separates the professional exterminator from the DIY home body who just plows powders willy nilly across the home and makes a dangerous mess. (long sentence-sorry)
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What Would You Do If You Had Kept Every Cancelation?

Cancelations of pest contracts is a fact of life in the bug business. In fact the big companies actually factor in to their business plans and strategies. At last check, (25 years ago when I left the corporate world) 3% was the highest acceptable rate. Anything more and you’d have teams of big brass in suits swarming your office looking for heads to roll. Anything less and you’d have at least a small squadron of those same suits looking in to see how you’re doing it. Cancelations are a study in and of themselves. A good owner knows if he or she can limit their cancelations, they are on a fast track to big healthy routes.

So for just a few minutes let’s explore this area of our business and see if there isn’t something we can do to make it a very small number. Also, I’d love to hear some suggestions from you about it. Surely there are some really smart pest pros out there who have found a way to minimize this route killer & I think we could all benefit by hearing what you have to say.
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Big Roaches Big Trouble In The Bathroom

Out of all the insects pest professionals take care of a daily basis, big roaches just don’t ever seem to make it on the most difficult list. These lumbering giants don’t have near the reproductive numbers as their smaller cousins. They aren’t especially illusive and let’s face it, they kind of stick out when you open up a kitchen door or move a box in the garage.

So whenever I get a call for ‘big roaches’ I must admit. I far too often take them for granted and don’t go into the account with the mindset of a detective. I mean look for the moisture right? Kick over a pile of leaves or lift up a trash can that’s been sitting there for months and you got it licked-don’t you? Well around about my 3rd call back and I start wondering, just where are these things and why haven’t killed them?
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Is Your B&G An 800 Pound Gorilla?

A few years ago I was part of a large group of bug men being led around a a large campus to give a bid for services. There were the big shot sales men from the mega firms, managers of medium sized companies, techs sent out by their bosses and even a little ol single operator,– me. We toured each building and got a description of what was expected and were able to ask questions.

Like any other time you get a bunch of competitors in the room you can’t help but kind of size the ‘other guy’ up. We puff out our chest a little bit, try and sound smarter than anyone else with our questions. And you’d always steal a glance at the different pest pros in the room and wondered, “How many trucks does he have?” Or look at someone else and think, “Who’d hire that joker?” For me, my glances and thoughts were those of “If I could only be!” I was by far the smallest guy there and most likely the one with the least shot of getting the bid, so I can only imagine what those folks thought about me. 20 years later and if they read my blog, the question is still the same.
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Controlling Spider Infestations

Spiders are one of the most beneficial yet feared creatures on earth. Eliminating them from our homes is hard enough for pros and almost impossible for homeowners. Still, positive control can be achieved if you’re willing to put in the work and apply some time tested techniques. The following article should help you a great deal for getting rid of spiders in your home.

Whenever you’re applying insecticides you need to be careful and wear the proper safety equipment such as gloves, mask, long sleeve shirts or anything else the label recommends. Take a minute to read the label to make sure you understand where to and not to spray or treat as well as find any information that you might not have considered.
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Calculating Your Worth In Pest Control

pest |pest|
a destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.
• informal an annoying person or thing; a nuisance.
• (the pest) archaic bubonic plague.
ORIGIN late 15th cent. (denoting the bubonic plague): from French peste or Latin pestis ‘plague.’

It’s odd to me that people, pest control people especially, don’t seem to realize the ugly history and current struggle of man versus pest. Do they not think that their job means more than just keeping their route in tact? Do they not see themselves as on the front line of a nation that could easily & quickly succumb to the ravages of out of control pests if they were not there? One needs only to look around the world at other populations of PEOPLE (human beings) who have so little food, live in pestilence and disease all because of little to no pest control. Rats, mice, locust, beetles, termites, flies, fleas, roaches, moths. Does this list sound familiar? Isn’t that what you deal with everyday?
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Pest Proofing Your Home DIY Style / Anything Helps?

Some things customers do with chemicals to combat pest infestations just make me scratch my head. I’ve had homeowners dump a 50 gallon drum of used motor oil around their home to thwart termites. If there’s any left over they’ve been known to put it ON the cat to kill the fleas. Others have set off multiple bug bombs thinking the massive cloud would solve their dilemmas, pounds of Borax covering common living areas, Hundreds if not thousands spent on bed bugs and even Raid by the case for an occasional roach. I suppose if I were to write down all the things I have seen, I’d need another blog just for the server space. So if you have one to add, just place it down in the comment section below.

Some clients however take a different approach and although a part of me wants to laugh out loud when I see such contraptions-the other part wants to stand up and applaud their efforts with a hefty, atta boy! These are some inventive people and either they’ve finally listened to their bug man who extols the virtue of ‘keeping bugs out’ or perhaps,- some who just got tired of the expense and mess of pounding an area over and over with expensive pest products only to have the problem return soon after the residuals are gone.
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The Land Shark & Sleeping Beauty-Two Pest Control Phenomena’s

There’s a couple phenomena’s in your pest control route that we seldom talk about and that’s probably for a good reason. There’s really nothing you or I can ever do to change em. What’s more, I don’t know if anyone has ever been willing to try.

Oh sure it might not be as important as figuring out where on your truck to store your glue boards so they don’t melt. It’s not as excruciating as your coffee taking a tumble and the steaming hot brew seeps into your lap. It’s not a shoes on shoes off decision or even that classic mind battle of do I tell them that their last services check was a dollar light? No, in the grand scheme of things, this doozy is pretty much a non event. BUT, as seldom as it happens, if you couple this occurrence with another certain situation. Now you can have a whole other affair & this one can have long lasting effects.
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What’s The Hardest Part Of A Pest Control Complaint?

Re-do’s, courtesy calls, extra service visits, call it what you like but in the end it’s just a complaint. Complaint calls are part of the business and if I had the formula to eliminate them all, I’d be a wealthy man.

If you don’t handle them right, complaint calls can cost your company a lot more than just the few bucks in chemical it usually takes to service them. They take away from positive production, can put a dent in your referral chances, keep you from getting home at a decent hour, and in some companies- if you get too many of them you win an all expense paid trip to the branch managers office. But there’s one aspect of complaints I dread the most, I wonder if you do too….
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The Secret Files Of My Bug Company-Just What Rights Does Your State Inspector Have?

By law the Florida Department Of Agriculture & Consumer Services (DACS) requires a pest control company to hold onto WDO (wood destroying organism reports) for 7 years after the inspection. So recently I decided to make some room in my attic and I unloaded a boat load of old reports. All were separated by year and then each month was bundled together with a now brittle or broken rubber band. Most stacks I gave nothing but a quick glance and into the doubled plastic trash bag they went. One stack however, made me pause. This heap of reports was separated from the rest. Though faded, each had its own file cover and was filled with notes, letters and pictures as well as old buried fears and emotions. As I sat sweating in the hot attic this ancient pile brought back reams of memories and took me quite awhile to go through as I examined each piece of paper one by one.

Of course I found the old report where I was successfully sued but thankfully, writing about it here in my blog and including that story in my new book, I can honestly say I had no ill emotions come up as I perused the old case. I guess you could say that kind of cleansed my soul a bit. (and my wallet) But others I had completely forgotten about and I was amazed at the frivolous things people had complaints about. I found the one where a man threatened fire and brimstone because my finger poked through some bubbled paint exposing termites. One where 5 years AFTER my inspection of a home that I FOUND TERMITES and recommended treatment from the company that it was ALREADY under contract with and so many just like it. But one report caught my eye and I took note because it wasn’t one I put together. It was from DACS.
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