Each week, Jerry Schappert and Bryan Baird recap some of the most interesting posts from the Pest Cemetery Facebook Group.
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In the latest edition of Whistling Passed Cemetery, the guys cover three threads.
Brandon Elmore asked Cemeterians:
“Sometimes, I believe the concept of IPM slips away from people! Who else out there still uses chemical control as a last resort? If you mention a certain pest to a bug guy, you instantly get a chemical product recommendation. Is IPM dying?”
Jeff Peck brought up a frustration many small companies see:
“Any other smaller operations ever feel like a peon to their distributors? Getting responses from my reps at Target and DMO is like pulling teeth. Ask my target rep on the status of an order instead of checking I get “I’ll check” yesterday and still haven’t heard any more… my rep at DMO when I ask about orders it’s no problem I get responses but once I ask about something like a price match I never get a response… growing tired of it, who’s everyone using that’s reliable? I may not order as much as a large company but I still have money ready to spend on products, who wants it?”
Lastly, Jonathan Langley reminded us of a potentially awkward position. Jonathan asked:
“Has anybody ever serviced a house in the midst of a husband and wife spat?”
Thanks to Brandon, Jeff and Jonathan for the posts!
To hear Jerry’s and Bryan’s responses, download the episode today!