Scorpion Killer

When you think of scorpion facts I believe most people think there are just one, maybe two kinds of scorpions in the world, always located in a desert and that the scorpions sting is absolutely deadly bar none. Actually there are many different species of scorpions in the world (about 2000) and only one group among four – the True Scorpions – are capable of stinging. It’s actually a misconception that all scorpions can kill humans by default with their stings; With so many species of scorpions worldwide, only about 40 are considered dangerous. Stings from these may cause complications that lead to death. Namely; paralysis, convulsions, cardiac irregularities, or breathing difficulties. In the United States, only the Sculptured Bark Scorpion is considered dangerous to humans out of the 50 species found in the country. Species of scorpions are found on every land mass except in Antarctica.

Scorpion Information

Scorpions are nocturnal and hide during the day in places like under rocks, bark, patio stones, cement expansion joints such as in sidewalks, foundations and some even dig burrows. The scorpion has keen senses of hearing and touch. They capture their prey with their large claws and sting it with their tails to subdue it. Crushing the victim and drawing it to their mouth, the body juices are eaten.

Some scorpion species live for 15 years while most on average live 3 to 8. Females produce several broods and gestation can take up to a year. Live babies quickly exit their birthing sac and climb onto the mothers back. The new scorpions are able already to sting and will leave the mother to fend for themselves a week or two after birth usually after their first molt.

Treatment And Elimination

Elimination of harborage is important in scorpion control but it is almost impossible to achieve totally. Where possible, remove yard clutter or debris that gives the scorpion a place to hide. Pest proofing or sealing up the home is effective in keeping the scorpions outside. They are able climbers so any cracks, gaps or entry points need to be addressed. Door sweeps, weather strips and tight thresholds are common remedies for doors. Caulking cracks, gaps and utility entry points is also key. Inside sealing can reduce scorpions especially concerning the attic. Once inside the attic the entry points into living areas could include the gaps around recessed lighting, around vents and air returns or any holes where pipes or cables go through the ceiling. Other hiding spots will be in secluded dark areas such as under furniture or cabinets or anything left undisturbed that offers a tight hiding spot. Inside shoes or garments is a common place where homeowners unfortunately find a scorpion by getting to feel first had, a hiding scorpions sting.

Choose The Right Product And Be Thorough

While direct sprays work to kill scorpions on contact the residual effect is often ineffective. Interior dusting works quicker and is more of a long term barrier that will work better. Dusting gaps in between the wall and baseboard or under carpet edges especially near doors or expansion joints in concrete goes along way to aid in control. Many times a scorpion will be found in places where liquid sprays won’t do because of safety or label concerns. Raid or another suitable aerosol may be needed or even vacuuming them up. Sticky traps placed around the home where dusts cannot be applied also may help.

Exterior dusting is very effective with special attention to cracks or gaps before you seal them or that cannot suitably be sealed. Special attention to eaves and soffits needs to be considered as scorpions seem to fare well once they reach the attic. Attics can be fogged or power dusted but results won’t be remarkable since they often travel or hide underneath the insulation and therefore escape most of the treatment that lays on top. Making sure entry points inside the home coming from the attic are sealed is strongly recommended by pros who deal with scorpions on a daily basis. Prevention and professional help is actually your best bet when it comes to how to kill scorpions. Having the right tools and knowledge is something that may keep you from finding one in a precarious position and having to suddenly become a scorpion killer.

About The Bug Doctor

Jerry Schappert is a certified pest control operator and Associate Certified Entomologist with over two and a half decades of experience from birds to termites and everything in between. He started as a route technician and worked his way up to commercial/national accounts representative. Always learning in his craft he is familiar with rural pest services and big city control techniques. Jerry has owned and operated a successful pest control company since 1993 in Ocala,Florida. While his knowledge and practical application has benefitted his community Jerry wanted to impart his wisdom on a broader scale to help many more. was born from that idea in 2007 and has been well received. It is the goal of this site to inform you with his keen insights and safely guide you through your pest control treatment needs.
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