Ninja exterminator-what kind of customer are you?

Many years ago I had a client who had two major problems. One was a nasty roach problem and the other was, well, me. She was a nice enough lady but she must have felt ashamed to have a bug man. Having the dreaded roach she was set up as a monthly customer but she did not want any of her neighbors to know she had a pest service. I was instructed to park in the alley two lots down and enter the home promptly and quickly and shut the door behind me. Once inside I noticed all the blinds were drawn and she told me under no circumstance was I to spray anything outside where anyone could see me. This went on for a year which was her contract even though I cleaned up her problem in just a few visits. At the end of my service she wrote a nice note to my branch manager but I couldn’t tell if she was more satisfied with my work or the fact that I was so good as sneaking in and out with no one being the wiser.
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Posted in Choosing a pest control company | 7 Comments

Eat bugs and save the planet

With more and more people attaching themselves to the green movement with the lofty goal of rescuing the planet I am more often dissuaded by what I see then I am heartened or inspired. There are very few Ed Begley Jrs. out there that seem to actually practice what they preach. Ed actually rides his bike anywhere he can and lives in a solar powered home. He does own a car but nobodies perfect-

If you go up the ladder much in the green movement you will find hypocrisy plain and simple. While Al Gore is telling the world to go green he has a 20 room mansion that uses $2400 dollars in natural gas and electricity per month. In fact the average home in America uses less per year than ol Al’s does in 30 days. Tsk Tsk.
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Posted in Beneficial bugs | 2 Comments

It’s Called “Pest Control”

Do you know why they call throwing a hook tied to a string and pole with a little worm into a body of water” fishing”? Because if you caught something every time you threw that bait out there it would be called “catching.” I can only imagine if it were that easy there would be far fewer people doing it. Sure those who fished for a living might still be out there but I’m sure they’d have more time off and make a whole lot more money. On second thought I take that back- if everybody could do it that easily then perhaps we wouldn’t need the professional fisherman, we would just head out to the lake or river the next time we wanted salmon on the menu and whamo, in just a few minutes we’d have dinner.
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Our little secret

Did you know that most dust particles in your home are made up of dead skin? That you are born with 300 bones but by the time you’re an adult you only have 206? Or that Coca Cola would be green if not for coloring?

The world is filled with amazing facts and some are downright funny while others seem absolutely impossible. In the bug world there is already so many things that we do not know so it stands to reason that there are many kinds of these facts we’ll be figuring out with time to come. With this in mind I gathered a select few amazing facts that I thought you might find interesting and just might make you the life of the next party you attend. After all who wouldn’t think a cool person like you spouting off amazing facts isn’t just the smartest, best looking entomologists they’ve ever met? You won’t even need the pocket protector or the thick dark rimmed glasses. Now you don’t have to tell them where you got these gems, we can make that our little secret.
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Brown recluse bite can bring home the Bacon

Ok, so the title has you curious and why did I capitalize the word Bacon? Well actually Bacon refers to the actor Kevin Bacon but what does he have to do with the brown recluse? Well nothing really except for the fact that just as you can link any actor to him through movies plays or commercials in 6 steps or less, you can also link anybody in the United States to someone who has been bitten by the brown recluse spider.

For Mr. Bacon this small world phenomenon actually became quite a popular game called the “6 degrees of Kevin Bacon” and was based on a theory called “6 degrees of separation” from way back in 1929. Being the noble man that he is he used this game to launch his charity It was started in 2007 and to date they have raised almost 3 million dollars for charity. I applaud him.
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Posted in Spiders | 2 Comments

Good pest control starts in the office

In football it is the quarterback who gets all the glory. When he throws a touchdown pass to win a game the crowd cheers his name and the sports news gives him the acclaim as if he did this all by himself. Little or no mention ever goes to the linemen who kept him from being sacked, hardly a mention of the receiver who juked out his man to break free and when was the last time you saw an interview of the offensive coordinator sitting high in the stadium looking down on the action and calling the plays. Very few fans recognize these other elements in the good games but they all boo loudly when one or more of these players lets them down. So too is the pest control office.
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Tech Tip; Relieve your pressure

Heavy snow in Florida

Heavy snow in Florida

This tech tip was submitted by Dan Weeks from Pest Pro in Ocala Florida. Unfortunately for other sunshine state techs it may be to late because the weather has come back to somewhat normal. For our more northern PCO’s it will definately still apply for another month or two. This is what happens when we get snow in Florida, well this and snowflake fights.

Thanks Dan
Great tip & thanks for the pic!

It has gotten very cold in Florida over the past few weeks and pest control service men and women who’ve been around awhile may automatically know to bring those sprayers inside so they don’t freeze up and possibly burst. I’m sure managers everywhere were reminding their route guys just in case.
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Bug Rap

The internet is amazing, you can find all sorts of crazy things. Here’s a couple of entomologists by day, rappers by night. At the risk of sounding cliche. “keep your day job guy’s.”

Actually they are pretty good and you can find more of them on youtube, they’re worth the look.
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Can Rats Come Up Through Your Toilet?

While this is not a great question like; “why do I exist?” or “why do cars speed up when I’m trying to pass them?” it is however one that has intrigued mankind probably not to long after the flush toilet was invented.

We know that rats are excellent climbers but did you know they can tread water for up to 3 days? Or that they can swim underwater and hold their breath for 15 minutes? Put these facts together and it would seem very realistic that rats can come up through your sewer pipes but in reality it hardly ever happens. Why? This is really just my opinion and I hope to hear from those of you who had had this happen so I can learn from what you’ve experienced.
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Put that spray can down

Keith has an excellent blog- Probestblog’s Blog and these are some great tips for pros or rookies alike; When’s the last time you heard someone say move your trash can to solve a bug problem? Well it’s pros like him and those on this page sharing their wisdom and tips that only come from years of experience. Check back often because there’s a whole industry filled with people who have such valuable knowledge just like this.

I think the biggest item that I notice is that most people just grab the can when they see a bug. The first step is to identify the pests and decide if it necessary to kill the bug. In the Pest Management industry the first thing we do is an inspection. We determine what insect is visible and how it got in and then we decide on the best method.
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Chalk Talk episode #3 Trapping Rats & Mice

It’s getting cold out there and rodent calls and awareness are at a year long high. It starts as a ‘flash’ sighting across the kitchen floor to hearing scratching and squealing from inside the walls. While most frantic homeowners reach for the yellow page book more and more turn to the internet for do it yourself help and insight. This short video discussion was made with you in mind and I hope it helps you to have a rodent free season this year.
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Posted in Rats and Mice | 6 Comments

Nontoxic Pest Control for Your Home

This professional tech tip was submitted by Karl the BugMan of 
EnviroCare Pest Solutions 
Columbus Ohio Pest Control.

Even with the most thorough prevention measures, pest intruders can still make themselves comfortable in your home. This Article discusses preventative pest control measures and natural and organic pest control products to get rid of bugs in your home.
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Will using a hair dryer kill bed bugs? I’d rather use my car

magnifying glass frying bug pestcemetery.comUsing heat to kill bugs has been around for a long time. Flour mills have incorporated heat treatments to entire stock or buildings for more than 75 years. Kids have been at it for even longer albeit one bug at a time. Maybe you too as a youngster used a magnifying glass to fry an unfortunate wayward ant.
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Posted in Bed Bugs | 1 Comment

Tech Tips

tech tips

The tech tip page is designed for the professional pest control operator but even the do it yourself home owner will find this short but practical advice section beneficial. We invite pco’s to add tips of their own or improve the ones written about. To comment or improve a tip simply write your thoughts in the comment section below. For a feature tip you can e-mail me at . Your tip and any link to your blog or company as well as pictures are welcome and will be posted as it’s own article to be commented or improved on by your peers.
There is so much knowledge and experience to draw on in our industry and it is my hope that we can all learn and improve our skills in the process.

Tip # 1

Pre cor 2000 plus and cold weather

This can sat in my hopper all day-the high was 25 degrees

This can sat in my hopper all day-the high was 25 degrees

When winter weather comes you start to find that certain tools in your arsenal begin to act differently. B&G’s might freeze up and the brass may even burst from swelling, glue board paper peels with ease and most if not all of your aerosols suddenly spew out like wasp freeze instead of the micro particle fog that you’re used to. While some more than others, Pre cor 2000 plus seems most susceptible to the cold. Nothings worse than having your client near while you take the can out to treat and instead of a fine mist giving you a great spot treatment you get a jet stream of goo that soaks a 3 inch spot on their oriental rug.

At least in my state in is illegal to ride with any chemicals in the cab but in any place it’s not the safest thing to do. I’ve been told by

Only 20 minutes in a warm room and I was back in business

Only 20 minutes in a warm room and I was back in business

state inspectors that they would ‘wink’ at this if inspected but that doesn’t help in an accident. For me, I bring my aerosols (& B&G’s) inside every night after work. My shop gets to cold and my garage is no help either so I put them in my laundry room where they will keep at room temp. That is usually enough if my stops are close enough together. The cans do get cold in between runs but the time in my homes keeps them from getting to chilly. Now I do live in Florida so the problem is short lived compared to someone up north but the same worked well for me even when I was in Maryland.

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The five ‘P’s of freezing weather & bugs

When freezing temperatures descend on your town you are often reminded of;

  • People protect yourself and dress warmly.
  • Plants bring any plants indoors that might die or be injured in the cold.
  • Pets make sure the pets have adequate shelter or are brought inside.
  • Pipes cover all exposed pipes so that the freezing temps don’t crack them.
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    Posted in Pest proofing series | 1 Comment