The Ancient Art Of Treatspections

inspector of the best advice you’ll ever get from pest control guru’s is to always inspect first, treat second. Sage advice at least on paper. Over the years I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this, been told about it or even been reprimanded for not doing a good enough inspection. (once) It’s such an important part of being a pest control professional and I agree. (to a point) The reasons I’ve always been taught to inspect first were;

*To identify the pest
*To determine if it’s a chronic, sporadic or potential problem
*To map out a strategy of how to deal with it
*Find areas of sanitation needs
*To get more info from client (if present) in order to better understand the issue and set out reasonable expectations based on what you find
*To make your treatment more effective

Now, ALL of these are good and they make for an impressive ‘to do’ list in the industry hand books and trade magazines and even in the company policy manual. The articles are first rate, well written, hard to argue with and from some of the most respected names you can imagine. The ‘inspection first’ seems to be the answer for any situation and everything is pretty cut and dry, black and white. Find this do that, see that expect this. A + B = C. I’d say for the most part, we as an industry accept this standard as normal operating procedure, but is it practical in the real world of a busy tech? Is there a time when we all have to do treatspections?
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Scent Advertising In Pest Control-Can It Be Done?

rabbit ear antenna tin foil remember as a kid watching a show about futuristic stuff and that one day we would be able to have smells coming from our TV while we watched our favorite shows. I tried to imagine how they’d do that. Would there be a bunch of little jars inside the set and for a breakfast scene we’d get a whiff of bacon? Or maybe the smell of smoke if the news showed a fire? Even for my little brain I just couldn’t imagine there’d be enough room for all of the smells in the world to fit. Also I could in no way imagine just how a smell could travel through the air and find our TV antennas. What if the wind was blowing? Our neighbors would get our smells wouldn’t they?

As I remember they even went on to say that one day we’d have color TV, and that soon we’d all do our shopping on computers. Too much for me to comprehend. Now I liked the color TV idea but since I didn’t even know what a computer was–I got up, adjusted the tin foil on the rabbit ear antennas and turned the dial to another show. (we had 3 whole channels back then) Nothing like Andy Griffith in black and white.
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2013 It’s Your Choice- 1st Or 2nd

mayan calender poster thought New Years day was suppose to be a holiday that you got paid for but didn’t have to work, I guess no one told Atilla MY Hun. ( I Love that woman) So there I was on January 1st, 2013 with a full schedule and my first stop was 45 miles away. I didn’t mind really, I actually think some of these paid holidays are for the birds and besides, not working just means I’ve gotta make it up somewhere else down the line. That said, I did sleep in a little (staying up till 10:30 wears on ya) and so I started off about 30 minutes late and I thought I’d be in for a brutal day. What the new day of the new year brought me however was quite a different story and I thought for sure, this would be a precursor for a great and wonderful year.

Not a single customer that day said anything about my being late, in fact each one wanted to chat which made me later. I received much praise for my work and compliments about my company and man did that make me feel good. One sweet lady actually put me on the phone with her son, a missionary in Kenya who was having an issue with rats in the attic. She told him, “Even though I couldn’t be there to actually treat-there’s no one better in the world to talk to.” Considering the geography, I took that as huge compliment (Skype is amazing) Another job had me under a home built ON the waters of the Gulf of Mexico dealing with roaches–(boots were handy) and the owner was so gracious and said he admired my ethic and willingness to get to where the problem was. He then wrote me out a nice sized check and told me to lock up when I leave–Trust is something I value so very much. On this day not one client complained about bugs or was negative in any way. No one went on and on about the Mayan calendar or the political situation of our country, or how I screwed up their life by being late, it was just a great day. I got paid by everyone, got a referral and even shared a prayerful moment with a wonderful lady who is at the moment, battling cancer. I mention this because had it not come up in casual conversation– she never would have said a word. She was only focused on the positive but when it slipped out, she was glad to share. I was amazed at her resolve. To her, each day is a new beginning with a brand new horizon to reach for. I could do nothing but stand in awe.

Traditionally the new “working” year starts on the 2nd so there I am with a full schedule again but oh my what a difference a day makes. While just 24 hours ago I was intruding on peoples time off, their holiday and I received nothing but kindness, this day was a stark reminder of how uncaring, cruel and cut throat trying to survive in business can be.
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Boric Acid-Did You Know?

boric acid my job I see A LOT of Boric Acid. It seems to be the answer to almost any pest problem out there. I’ve seen entire lawns covered with it, dog houses, thick lines around babies cribs, baseboards outlined, cupboards, counter tops, whole attics dusted (including all the storage that was up there), crawlspaces, commercial kitchens, ant mounds, carpets, window sills, horse stalls, vehicles and the list goes on and on. Now, boric acid is in the grand scheme of things is a pretty benign substance and IS registered for pest control uses (unlike like it’s cousin Borax which is not), still the amounts I see applied can be pretty alarming so I thought you might want to know some facts.

That said, with as much of this substance as I see in my pest control route, it pales in comparison to all of the different places you can find Boric Acid in the world and the many different uses it is good for. You might be surprised at a few of these yourself and at some of the facts about this white powdery miracle we call Boric Acid.
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Why I Love Niban

Niban shaker many pest control products can you find that are labeled for indoor and outdoor use, can withstand 4” of rain and won’t mold, don’t degrade in heat or sunlight, no known resistance, can be used in a power duster (except California) to treat large areas, can be scattered liberally (see label) in and under hard to access areas, has a long residual, can be used in food handling establishments and is effective against a myriad of pests including snails and slugs?

Well, the truth is there aren’t a whole lot of pest control products out there that fit this bill. Niban however does all this and more. If you’ve never tried this product it may be something you want to consider. You might learn to love it too, just like me.
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How To Deal With Ants In The Wall Sockets

In my busy route I have very little time to play games with pests. I have a full schedule that needs to be done, the client I’m serving at the moment who wants a thorough service and then there are the insects and pests I’m dealing with. (and they don’t care about any of that)

The challenge of a good route tech is to balance all of this and still be effective, efficient, instill confidence in their customers and GET THE ROUTE DONE. The real test is, can he or she do it quickly with real results and move on to what else the day has to throw at you. Over the years I’ve seen quite a number of situations and almost as if on automatic, I try and diagnose the problem and quickly jump into techniques that have consistently worked time and time again.
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EASY JOB, Exterminating In America’s Most Dangerous City – by Kurt Beers

  I remember pulling up next to a Terminix truck at a red light one morning and thinking to myself that the man behind the wheel must not be the sharpest tool in the shed. I mean, who would want to kill bugs for a living? I figured he must not make much money to do an “easy job” like that. I was 18 years old and fancied myself to be a pretty talented young man – I was a union member with a good job in a skilled trade. He was just a bug man. The only other bug man I knew of was the father of some weird kid who lived in my neighborhood. Pops worked for Orkin. He wore one of those ridiculous white Orkin shirts and always looked like Andy Capp, with a Kangol touring hat, a cigar hanging out of his mouth and a can of bug juice in his hand. He always smelled like whatever he was spraying that day – probably Diazinon or whatever God-awful potion they used back in the 70s. Yeah, I had no idea that day that a recession and a layoff later I’d be working that “easy job” myself.
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The 5 Golden Rules Of Crawling Around An Attic

Part of any pest control techs/sales persons job is to get into attics. Whether inspecting,treating, setting traps, pest proofing or just being a nice guy and brining down some Christmas stuff, it’s what we do. So with as much time we as an industry have to spend in this void of a home, it seems only logical we should have some idea how to do it safely. While I’m sure there’s a manual out there somewhere on the subject–in my 28 years I haven’t found one. So just based on my experience and what I teach my guys, here’s 5 golden Rules Of Crawling Around An Attic.
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Many of you, who can remember that far back, may recall sitting around in a circle in Kindergarten and being asked the question “what would you like to be when you grow up?” Of course, every kid wanted to be a police officer, a fire fighter, a nurse or a veterinarian (in my generation, anyway), but I’d bet money that not many kids ever answered “exterminator”. The job of pest control is not glamorous or tidy and sometimes it can be disgusting or even downright dangerous. Most people “fall into” this occupation out of pure dumb luck (or bad luck, depending upon how you look at it) – maybe they lose a good job, maybe they just can’t find anything else, maybe their cousin owns a pest control company and they’re looking for another sucker to try a hand at it – whatever the reason, they join the ranks of the “bug people”. You don’t choose this job, it chooses you.
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Is The Green Pest Control Debate Over?

What is the latest debate in the pest control world? ‘Move forward, responsible pest control, minimum risk’ and the ever popular, “get out of the past.”

My question, (actually I have two) is why?

Why are we even having this debate & why do we have to move in any other direction then the one in which we’re going? I mean when your talking about moving the industry forward- which side of the pest control industry has made the most advances?
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Plan To Deal With These Three Types Of Pest Pressure

A few years ago Terminix had some great TV commercials airing where the ‘walls’ would tell the homeowner about some invading problem or termites moving in under the slab. Well since even our smartest house isn’t that advanced yet and no one has invented a device to alert us of impending pest invasions, it might be a great idea to consider a few things about gauging pest pressures.

Pressure is defined as a constant pressure: physical force, load, stress or thrust. All of these can come to mind when a pest pro is battling a stubborn problem. For the seasoned pro, these are always in the forefront of their thoughts and he or she should be constantly on the look out for the build up.

Pest pressure can come on suddenly, build up over time or even be imagined but if the end result is futile attempts at keeping a customer happy or solving a problem, well then the pressure (pest problem) wins out. Here are a few observations that may help you avoid an oncoming wave of unwanted pests.
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Are You A Pest Control Chemical Using Lab Rat?

I had an interesting conversation with a colleague today and as usual, it didn’t end up where it started and it got me curious about what others have to say.

The place that our little chat started was how neither of of have very much room in our trucks and the different options we had to solve our dilemma. The topic it led to was the fact that both of us have a similar approach with our products. Both purchasing and use, and how this may be to our detriment.

We both acknowledge that we see others doing things the opposite of our way far more than doing the same. At first blush we figured that our way was of course better but in our honest evaluation, (that’s why I love talking to this guy) we realized that these other companies were doing just fine. In fact, most were blowing it out of the water business wise. So, is this something we should change? We’re both comfortable with how we approach our chemical purchase and use but is it the best economically? Do customers even care? And, if we could hear from our competitors about how and why they do it, what would they say?
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Great Christmas Ideas For The Pest Control Technician

Wondering what to get that man or woman in your life who is a pest control professional? This list may be your answer!

It’s about that time of year again when shopping malls are filled with people buying gifts for loved ones hoping to spread some holiday cheer. Ah, the joy of giving, it makes us all feel good right? Unfortunately, a lot of that holiday cheer doesn’t quite hit the mark and you might be surprised what happens to the majority of the presents we give.

According to a poll by Western Union, up to 75% of people have lied about liking a gift that they did not like at all. Of those people only 1 in 5 will ever say anything so as not to hurt your feelings. What do they do with said gifts?

18% gets donated to charity. 15% is re-gifted, 11% returned to the store, another 11% tossed in the trash and 6% of the recipients try to resell their gifts. I guess the rest just gets put out in the garage or in a corner somewhere and is forgotten. Tsk Tsk, if we only knew just what that pest pro truly wanted, then we could have still have that great heart filled joy of giving while the receiver would be pleasantly surprised with something they really wanted and appreciate.

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Is Billy The Exterminator Still On The Throne?

It’s hard to believe that The Billy The Exterminator show is now in its 6th season. It seems like just yesterday when this wild haired and gothic looking man took the country by storm and not only were ALL of my customers asking questions and making comments about his exploits….but the professional pest control world was a buzz with the same, albeit not quite as flattering. Regardless, there is no question, Billy The Exterminator was the man when it came to reality TV and pretty much the king of the visible pest control world.

From a tiny guest appearance on the hit show Dirty Jobs, Billy Bretherton (aka Billy The Exterminator) and his tiny pest company Vexcon, took the pest control world by storm and he rode that wave to TV stardom and acclaim. In only the 2nd year of the show his 1/2 hour adventures garnered top billing when it came to viewers setting a record of over 2 million people tuning in to episode 2 of that season. Sales of his clothing line flew off the charts and it seemed that literally everybody wanted to get a pair of those funky sunglasses he wore. What was so different about Billy caught TV land by surprise and what most of us might avoid if we saw a man like this in a dark alley-suddenly, the world couldn’t get enough of this ‘all natural’ bug guy who went across the land saving baby skunks and wrestling 10 foot alligators.

Like most things in life, what goes up must come down and/or, all good things must come to an end and certainly, everyones is always trying to knock off the man on top of the hill. So I ask, is this Billy’s last run, has his shooting star burnt out? Is Billy The Exterminator still on the throne?
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Baiting For Ants

Ants are everywhere! The last place you want to see them is in your house or worse… near where your kids play! I took the time this week to share with you some great tips from my new book “The Bug Free Blueprint” In today’s video i’ll share with you the EXACT baits and techniques I use so you can start living in a pest free home too… Enjoy – Jerry

Want to learn how to keep hundreds of other types of pests out of your home? Grab a copy of my newest book “The Bug Free Blueprint” In either a paperback or ebook.


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