I was on Facebook the other day and an owner I friended /followed of a large pest control company put out a tweet. Or is that a poke, or a like, or just a status update? I don’t know, I just usually just hang in my closed little group pestcemetery.com. You should come and ask to join. Since it’s a closed group, potty language is encouraged. Anyway, they made mention that their fiscal year was looking GREAT and their sales force was killing it! That reminded me, I’ve forgotten to do my 1/2 year assessment. I think I poked her back, “Good job.”
Now, I’m not a mega company nor am I real fancy. So I don’t really have a ‘fiscal’ year per se but I do do a “check up from the neck up” around June each year. I was really pleased with my numbers and if the next 1/2 of the year keeps going like this…well let’s just say ‘mama will be happy,’ and if mama’s happy,,,,,well, you get it.
However, I look at more than just numbers coming in as I think any owner should. Expenses, where my work is coming from, cancellation trends (if any) and a whole list of things. This led me to a few observations that well, I just don’t know exactly what they mean.
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