3 misconceptions about tubes in the wall pest control

This may be my last report on tubes in the wall pest control systems and if I do not post any article tomorrow you’ll know that the tubes police have finally found me and I have been silenced. The danger level in getting this information is quite high and just to upload my pictures of this super secret delivery mechanism I have to route them through servers in Istanbul where they currently have no operatives. The tubes pest control method has long been shrouded in secrecy and vehement managers take to the streets whenever there is a report of unauthorized use. Confusion is an ally to the tube installer monopoly and they will go to great lengths to keep competitors in the dark about it’s use and how it’s set up. Hence there are misconceptions, theories and folklore in the absence of truth and by controlling the available information, they can control you, the rogue operator who dares to provide this service.

click on pics to enlarge

Tubes coming in from exterior portal

There are basically 3 things about tubes that customers and some pest control pros have a misunderstanding of. Knowing the accurate information may answer some questions about why the service doesn’t always seem to work, erase fears of heavy pesticide build up in your walls and help you provide a better pest control program designed to compliment the service.

#1 The tubes spew pesticide all throughout my walls

It is true that the tubes run up through the attic or in the walls but the insecticide is not released until it reaches it’s destination. The

Blue tubes with connectors ready for extensions

tubes are solid like a tiny garden hose but when the target area is reached a small coupler is attached to the end and to that a special extension hose. This extension has tiny laser cut slits in it and much like a soaker hose used for watering plants the liquid escapes. The liquid pesticide is pushed by high pressure air and when forced through the slits it comes out in a fine mist treating the target spot. The extension can be any length depending on the area and can have many slits for full coverage.

#2 The tubes treat my whole home

Blue tube around doorway

The reality is that only control spots are usually targeted. Areas such as bathrooms, kitchen plumbing or around doorways are the typical places where the slitted hose is used. There are no systems that I know of that run the tubes completely around the home treating the full perimeter. If that were the case you may just have problems with too much volume and perhaps staining or water damage. Even though a home may have 15 or 20 tube ends visible in the delivery portal there are likely more areas in your walls NOT treated than are.

#3 They use gallons of insecticide when they treat my walls

Again not true, as I described only the targeted areas get a shot of pesticide and even that area doesn’t get as much as you think. Remember, these tubes are very small, about the diameter of the ink tube in a ink pen and the operator only shoots a small amount

Tubes running through the attic in between yellow wire & white pipe

per tube. The normal tube gets about a 5 second shot of just air to clear the lines and then the operator pulls a different trigger that will shoot the liquid and that is usually a 7 to 10 second blast. A final shot of just air clears the line and he moves on to the next tube. Add the fact that the liquid is dispersed through many tiny slits in the target area as a fine mist and you really aren’t getting any over spray whatsoever. Servicing your tubes usually means no more insecticide than if a person treated normally with a hand held sprayer.

So the next time you have a trail of ants coming in under a living room baseboard and think your tube system is not working it may

No slits and very small

just be that your tube system does not deliver there. With all of my tube services we treat the outside perimeter with sprays, baits and granules and we always offer touch up service for spots just like this. Tubes service is a great way to have indoor pest control and even termite work without the inconvenience of having an appointment because everything is done from outside. Just don’t be fooled into thinking it is a complete system that provides a whole house barrier and you’ll never need anything indoors again. Also don’t be buffaloed into thinking only the installer has the right equipment to do the job. Tanks with the proper regulators, dispensing tips and hoses are sold everywhere and not just to the shadow consortium that would have you think they’re the only ones with such technology.

oooh– I gotta go, there’s some rustling out in the bushes just outside my window. I might not escape this time but you make sure to carry on the fight without me in case I don’t make it back.

About The Bug Doctor

Jerry Schappert is a certified pest control operator and Associate Certified Entomologist with over two and a half decades of experience from birds to termites and everything in between. He started as a route technician and worked his way up to commercial/national accounts representative. Always learning in his craft he is familiar with rural pest services and big city control techniques. Jerry has owned and operated a successful pest control company since 1993 in Ocala,Florida. While his knowledge and practical application has benefitted his community Jerry wanted to impart his wisdom on a broader scale to help many more. Pestcemetery.com was born from that idea in 2007 and has been well received. It is the goal of this site to inform you with his keen insights and safely guide you through your pest control treatment needs.
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