I BID You Farewell

There comes a time in every career where you realize you just have to walk away. You’d love to keep pouring your heart out, imparting the knowledge that took you years to attain but when it continues to fall on deaf ears the discouragement becomes too much to bear. I guess it’s taken me till now figure this out which either proves my hopeless optimism or maybe I’ve just been stubborn. No matter the path, I finally arrived to a decision and at this time I think it’s best to just step to the side and let this world in all its craziness and loud directionless voice go by. It may come as a shock for some of you who have been my faithful readers to hear that I’ve taken this position but it is something I think all pest control operators can learn from so please allow me to explain.

Too Many Voices

So here I am almost thirty years in the business, an Associate Certified Entomologist, been asked to write for some pretty hefty publications and my web work has even been voted #1 amongst pest control blogs. (for which I’m humbled and honored) Yet I am constantly second guessed and told that my information doesn’t match with my competitors. I’m often asked (in untrusting tones) to explain my information and/or solutions because, “such and such company told me this” or “I saw it on www.smartypantsbugguy.org so it must be true.” Whether curious or just unsatisfied there is a percentage of people who insist on looking to more than one source for their answers thinking this course will always serve them best. It is a method that’s highly touted by consumer advocates and on many levels it does make a lot of sense. But as so often the case the solid facts (when there are some) given by one blend in with the bogus given by another. This only gets more complicated when you increase the number of ‘experts’ and really gets the yak-king going if I spot a misidentification or there is a dispute on facts. This clouds the judgement of most homeowners who are left with no idea how to sift through the facts. To my dismay the final nod of approval is rarely given to the one who’s right but rather to the one whose first and I’m rarely in that position. (I don’t know why that carries so much weight with people but it does) Other reasons could be that someone’s answer is more appealing for reasons hard to overcome or agrees with something they’ve heard to be true whether it is correct or not. This is usually because a trusted friend or relative knows a guy who heard about a story from someone they worked with whose mother had the same situation..blah blah blah… Even if you agree just for agreements sake your credibility is suddenly shot because they now are thinking what’s so special that you can offer? In the end, trying to compete with too many voices is almost always a losing proposition.

Too Many Demands

Another aspect of what’s on my mind is that this fraction of people that I’m speaking of, (those that drove me to this point) want far too much of my time. Their request’s are always above and beyond the normal seeker and if you allow them to, they’ll keep pushing the envelope with little or no regard for you. I’m sure they do this with the other voices too and I’m always amazed how they try to pit one against the other. They are usually the ones who put deadlines in place, want absolutes and will beat you up over every aspect of the service you are trying to provide-Oh yea, did I forget mention? The service and hassle up to this point is FREE!


So, as I said in the beginning of this writing I am officially now and forever done and I’m not even remorseful one little bit. While I’m sure walking away means I’ll lose out on some opportunities I’m looking forward to my freedom and leaving this huge drain behind. I’m excited about the possibilities and plan to use the extra time to better my business and concentrate on all the positives that my little company brings. So with that I’m relieved to say-

Good Bye to all the customers who are calling for BIDS!

Hey, what did you think I was talking about? C’mon, you know me better than that don’t you? 😉

About The Bug Doctor

Jerry Schappert is a certified pest control operator and Associate Certified Entomologist with over two and a half decades of experience from birds to termites and everything in between. He started as a route technician and worked his way up to commercial/national accounts representative. Always learning in his craft he is familiar with rural pest services and big city control techniques. Jerry has owned and operated a successful pest control company since 1993 in Ocala,Florida. While his knowledge and practical application has benefitted his community Jerry wanted to impart his wisdom on a broader scale to help many more. Pestcemetery.com was born from that idea in 2007 and has been well received. It is the goal of this site to inform you with his keen insights and safely guide you through your pest control treatment needs.
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